Manufacturer of polyethylene manhole covers
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Manufacturer of polyethylene manhole covers
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About the polyethylene manhole
Polymers are big molecular chains that are produced from polymerization reactions and by the connection of many small molecules named monomers. Polymers can be categorized into two main groups of copolymer and homopolymer. Composing monomers of a polymer chain in homopolymers such as polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene, and PVC is from one kind while in copolymers such as styrene-butadiene rubber and polystyrene shock-absorbent are made from two or several different types.
Polyethylene manholes have been used in different industries and depending on the location of use and required properties they can be an appropriate replacement option for heavy cast iron manholes and concrete manholes. These manholes are the most important options for being used in factories and contact with industrial sewages because of having lightweight, have high strength in acidic and corrosive environments, and also have the capability of being produced in different shapes and colors.
Polyethylene manholes can be produced in different shapes such as circular, square, and rectangular shapes with different dimensions according to customers’ needs and the place that are being used.
The weight and price of polyethylene manhole
The main property of all manholes made from polymeric materials such as polyethylene manholes (as a homopolymer) and copolymer manholes is their low weight. It can be said that these two manholes have a lower weight compared to other manholes. It can be mentioned that HDPE type (polyethylene with higher density) has the highest application in the production of polyethylene manhole. This type of polyethylene is used in the production of plastic members, tubes, water bottles, liquid containers, water tankers, and different plastic equipment in the kitchen.
Being a lightweight product has a positive result and that is reductions of costs and being easier in working with it in the transportation and installation procedures of polyethylene manhole. But on other hand, the occurrence of incidents such as getting displaced during the passing of vehicles, making noise because of passing traffic, and displacement of manhole due to buoyancy of runoff water from rainwater are some of their weak points that are due to their low weight.
Polyethylene manhole standards
European standard of EN 124 which is used as the main standard of polyethylene manholes is the principal standard of this type of manhole. Other standards that are used in this domain are as follow:
ASTM D570, measurement of water absorption amount
ASTM D1501, measurement of the resistance value against sun rays
ASTM D635, measurement of resistance value against flame and heat
ASTM D543, measurement of resistance value against exposure to chemical materials